This is a bit complicated. Common practice in inginx is to have a full server configuration along with locations in one single file, contrary to Apache, where it's common to regulate location access per folder with .htaccess files.
A full blown nginx server config template won't be suitable for each and every installation as different projects may require different configuration.
One way around this is to have a locations-only file with the adnotation that it needs to be included in a proper gs server config.
Another way is to have a very basic config template with the adnotation that this config is in fact very basic and needs to be adjusted to work properly.
I need to do a bit more testing and then I'll be able to provide both if needed.
A full blown nginx server config template won't be suitable for each and every installation as different projects may require different configuration.
One way around this is to have a locations-only file with the adnotation that it needs to be included in a proper gs server config.
Another way is to have a very basic config template with the adnotation that this config is in fact very basic and needs to be adjusted to work properly.
I need to do a bit more testing and then I'll be able to provide both if needed.