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'Bold' not working in CKEditor
Anyone got an idea why Bold all of suddenly stops working in CKEditor and gets a thin red line above the B??

(I realize I probably should be asking this question on the CKEditor forum instead, but I thought I just as well might start here)
Modern UI Admin for GetSimple
Watch the demo. Install this plugin. Use this CSS. Enjoy.

Seems to work now, after bothering me all morning (on 3 different machines). The thin red line is still there tho, havent noticed that one before ...
Did you try strong tags instead of b-tags?
Did you try to firebug that button ? :}
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
Probably should have, but no - its working now so I guess I'll just stop wondering (even tho I havent seen the red line before ...)

is it possible that the red skin line shows spell check errors?

see here:

mostly these red lines are spellcheck lines and GS 3.1 / CKeditor brings more plugins than the editor version in GS 3.0

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Well, just not to start a new topic...
I'm new to GetSimple, just working with it on a local server to see what is all about. Normally I open IE, FF, Safari,Chrome and Opera at the same time to see how those guys render GS pages.

I was playing around with CSS of a template. I found out a strange thing. I had a text wrapped in <strong>tags</strong>. It was OK in CREditor, the text was normally rendered as bold. But when I tried to view it in the above browsers - the text was rendered like a normal one in all of them, though the tags apeeared in the page source code as expected. I examined my css, checked html and css, validated the page - no luck.

OK, I changed strong tags for <b></b> and the text became bold.

I am at a loss. What was happening to my strong tags? Any ideas? GS 3.1
if you do not show us the CSS we cannot know what is defined in your css for <strong>

all situations which I know treat "strong" like "bold" except when the css defines something different

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thank you, Connie!
Of course, it was CSS-file! It started from Eric Meyer's reset for HTML 4. And here's the key to my problem. It assigns font-weight:inherit to <strong> tag, but doesn't mention <b> tag at all. That's why the tags behaved different and the solution is either remove <strong> selector from the reset or define strong {font-weight:;} somewhere else below.

Here's the beginning of the CSS-file.

/* =====================reset by Eric Meyer==================== */

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
font-weight: inherit; That' why I got stuck!
font-style: inherit;
font-size: 100%;
font-family: inherit;
vertical-align: baseline;

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