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3.4.0 wish list
link uploads, change link dropdown to url click browse server

are already in GS

Most of the other stuff is already in 3.4 or can be done via plugins, or is on the roadmap for later versions
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-02-22, 00:49:38)shawn_a Wrote: link uploads, change link dropdown to url click browse server

are already in GS

Most of the other stuff is already in 3.4 or can be done via plugins, or is on the roadmap for later versions

Thank you for your quick answer.
That's nice to hear, that all is already in or on going!
Sharing is human real nature...
Just keep it easy and simple to use as it is now :d.. forget all those complex kinda useless and fuzzy suggestion ;D
For the new menu manager, would you guys think a dropdown, select add to menu interface is good ?
Or would you like a full drag and drop interface ?

Selects and combo boxes really are not that great an interface for lots of data, and for sites with hundreds of pages i figure a foldable tree might be the best interface either inline or in a popup.

If inline it allows drag and drop menu management.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-03-13, 07:22:42)shawn_a Wrote: For the new menu manager, would you guys think a dropdown, select add to menu interface is good ?
Or would you like a full drag and drop interface ?

Selects and combo boxes really are not that great an interface for lots of data, and for sites with hundreds of pages i figure a foldable tree might be the best interface either inline or in a popup.

If inline it allows drag and drop menu management.
I would rather have the menu manager be part of the main pages view. With a filter button to only show menu's (or at least fade the none-menu pages back). Then you can sort the menu there and also add/un-add to menu via button.

[EDIT:] Forget about it, it's probably a bad idea. Menu's might not always have the same structure as the pages.

Foldable tree inline. Would be usefull when folded shows amount of (folded) subitems.
Yeah the idea is to allow pages to have its own hierarchy for organizational purposes, not necessarily tied to menus so as to allow multiple menus etc. But like you said allow displaying pages in any order by menu etc.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
The last time I worked with GS was in late 2012.
May I ask where I can download the latest 3.4 dev version? Not here I guess
As the thread started over a year ago are there any plans to bring 3.4 to beta status? I'm also interested in other plans for GS future.
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 coder. Simple JS & PHP hacker (not enough for new function coding). Build one webpage with GS (late 2012). Focusing on Theme customizing/Template files. Experience with WP.
Yeah master branch on GitHub
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-02-22, 00:49:38)shawn_a Wrote: link uploads, change link dropdown to url click browse server

are already in GS

Most of the other stuff is already in 3.4 or can be done via plugins, or is on the roadmap for later versions

(2015-03-14, 07:51:47)shawn_a Wrote: Yeah master branch on GitHub

I like the new purple color! is it responsive now?
about the menu navigatio na fodable inline tree would be a better solution.

thank you and good continuation!
Sharing is human real nature...
Hi there!
I think a nice feature would be that pages that are children to a page would be hidden in the pages management. Today it looks like my included screenshot. It would be nice if this view would be visible once you have clicked on an arrow or so next to parent page - in this case the page "Hello World".

Great work on this CMS!
Best, Niklas

[Image: img.png]
(2015-03-14, 07:51:47)shawn_a Wrote: Yeah master branch on GitHub
Thanks. I'm installing now 3.4.0a - Alpha / Non-Stable on German web hoster ALL-INKL.COM PHP CGI 5.5.22-nmm1.
I get the warning "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.../gs/admin/inc/caching_functions.php on line 382"
I report it here since I found no other thread about 3.4.0. Since modules listed in req. modules should be ok: SimpleXML enabled, ZipArchive not installed / zlib library, mod_rewrite should work, cURL enabled 7.22.0, GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible) enabled;
I wonder if this warning is dependent on the PHP version or another module (caching)?
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 coder. Simple JS & PHP hacker (not enough for new function coding). Build one webpage with GS (late 2012). Focusing on Theme customizing/Template files. Experience with WP.
Its not purple, just themable more.
It already has page tree

All the features are here
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Ill look at that chris thanks, there are no threads because its not even alpha, its development.

if you want to qa it, use github.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
I did remove some fatal left in debugging, that other warning error is nothing critical, just an out of order bug. everything works fine, i get that error a few times then it goes away.

Maybe refresh pages a few times.

Seems to work fine for me though, ignore the confirm navigation leave warnings, I added those to all forms and some submits are not standardized yet to umark dirty.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks shawn_a. Everything seems to work except /admin/pages.php
For my installation it just shows a blank page (even the source code).
I will now try 3.3.5 as I'm not that much experienced to help with dev, but I like to have a comparison between stable and dev branch.
Thanks for your work.
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 coder. Simple JS & PHP hacker (not enough for new function coding). Build one webpage with GS (late 2012). Focusing on Theme customizing/Template files. Experience with WP.
I did just fix that fatal bug which was breaking pages. Did you try again ?
3.4 is no where near stable, but I use it successfully.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-03-15, 05:18:39)shawn_a Wrote: I did just fix that fatal bug which was breaking pages. Did you try again ?
Just donwloaded and did overwrite the /admin folder. /admin/pages.php now works. Also the other Warning message is not anymore there. (y)
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 coder. Simple JS & PHP hacker (not enough for new function coding). Build one webpage with GS (late 2012). Focusing on Theme customizing/Template files. Experience with WP.
good to hear that there will be a menu-manager in the new version.
as "new" getsimple CMS user i missed this feature instantly.
i'd really like to see smarty (what i've used for more than a decade) or twig (drupal is switching to it with version 8 in beta now) added to the gs core as template engine. opens up so much flexibility and features both for core and for addons and themes.

a couple other things i think were mentioned before, fully embrace one framework like bootstrap, and a fully functional menu generator in the core system that can handle child pages and such.


a couple other things.... option to store data and crucial settings outside of the site or webroot, and a configurable admin directory location/name.


i found the admin setting Smile i really need to find an editor that works well with my limited vision...

and i realize after digging through some core code that adding a true template engine like smarty is more like a 4.0 thing.
Hi, I like GetSimple better every day.

My wish list:
- recommendations in the dev docs and user docs for standardized naming of components and placeholder syntax. This would facilitate switching between themes while still preserving site semantics. E.g., the "sidebar" component seems to be pretty standard.
- it is nice that components are theme-agnostic. Please keep it that way.
- proper rendering of SVG (I stand corrected, see datiswous post below) images in CKEditor
- syntax-directed type-ahead or docs lookup for HTML tags and CSS options in CKEditor.
- (Maybe it is just me who hasn't noticed how to do this: ) an easy way to add to headers and footers (similar to admin header footer) .
(2015-04-05, 16:27:00)vanfruniken Wrote: - proper rendering of SVC images in CKEditor

You mean SVG?
(2014-03-14, 20:01:38)datiswous Wrote: Ok, good point.

Personally I think a better aproach would be to hide features inside the components section depended on user role. So you can make different sorts of components, but some users can only make snippets kind of components, while the admin has all the features available.

so like multiuser features built-in with per-item permissions based on at least a group membership, if not admin/owner/group type. and to go along with that, disable php in components, then, if there isn't another 'content only' (no code allowed) 'snippet' content type, also based on permissions.

(2014-03-18, 02:23:30)PrplHaz4 Wrote: GS does not have multi-user features enabled OOTB, so permissions should prob not be a consideration when evaluating a core feature. In that regard, if we combine and enhance snippets/components (which i agree, are confusing as independent entities), the multi-user extension could apply permissions at the individual snippet/component level.

does the multiuser plugin even have a developer? mikeh hasn't been logged into the site in nearly two years, most recent commit at github is even longer ago than that, and there's been like a half-dozen other versions and fixes by other people posted to its thread....
you don't change the skin you change the toolbar config[]=toolbar
and this is the wrong thread for this.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
you can change toolbar to advanced by commenting out a single line the gsconfig already.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
  • add for image upload script function: rename file, backup file.. restore file.. if it's possible.
    i'm using a nice one script for ckeditor: pgrfilemanager: it's nice one... but it's overwriteing all files when a file have the
    same name what a new uploaded file...
  • multilevel menu - need - i18n is revelation - but all of language versions in back-end is verry problematic (hard to find multilanguage have a 4-5 language version)
  • change a url for different lang:en: namepage.en/about-us
    de: namepage.en/de/aboust-us(simple slug - url) should be a:namepage.en/de/uber-unsor (best):namepage.en/uber-unscan be add a id from menu like:namepage.en/1/about-us/14/submenufor de:namepage.en/13/uber-uns/47/submenu-de
user plugin: scroll to top

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