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tags for templating
Hello. I'm french so sorry if i hurt your language.

I think it would very nice and in the philosophy of this CMS to simplify again the template. I known : they ARE very simple but why not make it even simplier using tags like Modx ?
example of code template for modx :

nyl - i am not sure what that would gain us here. <?php get_page_title(); ?> is not really any more time consuming or difficult than your suggestion. Using a function will also allow for optional parameters to be passed, thus making it more powerful for those that need it.
- Chris
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it might help to include all the standard "tags" on the right in edit theme page in a same way youtube embeding code is done (meaning you click on it and it will copy it). But i also think that creating a real templating system would be foolish
"<?php get_page_title(); ?> is not really any more time consuming or difficult than your suggestion."

Okay, it was just a suggestion.

"thus making it more powerful for those that need it."
But powerful is not the goal of this CMS, am i wrong ? If i want something a little more powerful, i'm just using an other CMS. Websitebaker, Spip, worpress, Plume (wich doesn require mysql either, stocking data in txt files)... those are simple two but more powerful.

"is not really any more time consuming or difficult than your suggestion."
No you are right.
But if modx has such a success, it is in big part because of his template wihout php. And i'm NOT talking about systeme template like smarty (with horrible conditions and foreach, i prefer use php directly ), but maybe my suggestion mean a lot of works ! I never tried to do such a thing.

My thought was : a lot of people who make html are frightened at seeing only one php tag : they just run away, even if this is as simple as your templates.

In my point of view what i think to be "foolish" would be to ask too much real new features for GetSimple CMS, like someone who talks about "custom field" : it leads to more complexity and to reinvent the wheel; and take the path that dozens of CMS have taken before GetSimple.

Just an opinion in ordert to discuss : i like the project really :-)
Maybe nyl auster is right, but if we want to change it, we need to do it soon,before more themes will show up...
what Nyl talks about is a nice feature... but i don't think it has a place in GetSimple. I for one am happy with the way GS's template tags work.
- Chris
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