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Problems and suggestions

I have many problems and suggestions to improve GetSimple :
1 - After Ajax upload on IE8, the new file isn't displayed (F5 is needed)
2 - When a page has a name like "Who I am ?", the page id give "who-i-am-" => "who-i-am" would be better, in particular when this id is used like a class in css
3 - French traduction display is truncated when the sitemap generation is finished : "Sitemap cr"

Suggestions :
1 - Sitemap managing should be in Page instead of Theme !?
2 - Why is there any encoded characters in traduction files ? Files are in UTF-8, so just a display in UTF-8 would be correct and simplify the read/size of the file.
3 - To be able to choose the sort type of pages in admin (by menu order / by name) will be appreciate.

GetSimple 2.01

Thank you !

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