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Updated! - Modern Responsive Admin
(2016-04-23, 03:19:24)lakaroth Wrote: I have a problem, after activate the plugin, i18N gallery stop to works, i read the shortcode (%gallery%) instead the thumbs, it looks like the same error, who happend when <?php get_header(); ?> is not include in the template.
But is there... how can i fix it or get back the website before activate plugin?

Same problem, have you any fix? Thanks.
I18N gallery is working on my test site with this plugin active. Was the issue resolved? Or was it only in certain circumstances that it cropped up?

Are there any other ongoing problems? I find I have to use 
input.submit, input.submit:focus, input.submit:hover, input.submit:active {
color: #FFF !important;
as advised by Shawn still.

Also an error with the Uploadify button covering the max file size text

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