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Crfeating a simple interactive quiz
I would like to create a simple quiz. Question style could be multi-choice, true false, write a word. There would be a submit button at the end.
There are many plug-ins on the site - would any of them be helpful?
Created my first draft. This link provided a basic 5 question quiz which computes a score and provides an explanation for wrong answers. The javascript instructions include a section to be added to the page header. Instead I copied out the script portion as quiz1.js and and uploaded it to a /js folder in my uploads folder. Then in the template.php of the theme I added
<?php if(return_page_slug()=='quiz1' ){ ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<?php } ?>
Apache Bench mark showed the page was loaded over 120 times a second on a Raspberry Pi3.

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