====== Utility functions ====== This page is a work in progress. ===== clean_url ===== ===== clean_img_name ===== ===== to7bit ===== ===== email_template ===== ===== sendmail ===== ===== subval_sort ===== ===== isFile ===== ===== getFiles ===== ===== get_execution_time ===== ===== getXML ===== **Signature** getXML($path_to_file) **Description**\\ Retrieves the XML contents from ''$path_to_file'' and returns it as a SimpleXMLExtended object. ===== XMLsave ===== **Signature** XMLsave($xml, $file) **Description**\\ Saves (ideally SimpleXMLExtended) ''$xml'' objects to the ''$file'' path.\\ If ''GSFORMATXML'' is true, will pretty-print the XML string.\\ This function executes the filter ''xmlsave'' every time it is called, so that everyone can alter the XML string by using ''add_filter('xmlsave', 'myFunc')'' ===== lngDate ===== **Signature** lngDate($date) **Description**\\ Returns a date according to the format stored in the global ''$i18n'' key''DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT'', in ''admin/lang/''.\\ Default format is ''F jS, Y - g:i A'', see [[http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php|PHP dates and times]]. ===== shtDate ==== **Signature** shtDate($date) **Description**\\ Returns a date according to the format stored in the global ''$i18n'' key''DATE_FORMAT'', in ''admin/lang/''.\\ Default format is ''M j, Y'', see [[http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php|PHP dates and times]]. ===== cl ===== **Signature** cl($data) **Description**\\ Cleans ''$data'' consecutively with html_entity_decode, strip_tags and strip_slashes **Parameters** * ''$data'', the data string to clean ===== tsl ===== **Signature** tsl($path) **Description**\\ Adds a trailing slash to ''$path'' if there isn't one yet. **Parameters** * ''$path'', the path to add a trailing slash to. ===== in_arrayi ===== ===== find_url ===== ===== strippath ===== **Signature** strippath($path_to_file) **Description**\\ Returns the filename and extension from ''$path_to_file'', using ''pathinfo''. ===== strip_quotes ===== **Signature** strip_quotes($text) **Description**\\ Strips HTML entity quotes, double and single quotes from ''$text'' and returns the result. **Parameters** * ''$text'', the string to strip quotes from ===== encode_quotes ===== **Signature** encode_quotes($text) **Description**\\ Encodes quotes as HTML entities with ''htmlspecialchars'' and trims whitespace in ''$text''. **Parameters** * ''$text'', the text to encode quotes in. ===== redirect ===== ===== i18n ===== **Signature** i18n($key[, $echo=true]) **Description**\\ Outputs the translation of ''$key'' in the global ''$i18n'' (in the current language, or //en_US// if it does not exist), or returns it if ''$echo'' is false. **Parameters**\\ * ''$key'', the key of the translation to find * ''$echo'' //(optional)//, whether to echo or return the value. If ''$echo'' is false, acts the same as ''i18n_r'' ===== i18n_r ===== **Signature** i18n_r($key) **Description**\\ Shorthand for ''i18n($key, true)''. Returns the translation for ''$key''. ===== i18n_merge ===== **Signature** i18n_merge($plugin[, $language=null]) **Description**\\ Merges a plugin's language file with the global ''$i18n'' language. **Parameters** * ''$plugin'', the namespace of the plugin's language. * ''$language'' //(optional)//, don't pass unless you want to force a specific language. ===== i18n_merge_impl ===== **Signature** i18n_merge_impl($plugin, $lang, &$globali18n) **Description** Used by ''i18n_merge'' to do the actual merging of the plugin's i18n namespace (in the plugin's lang folder) with the global ''$i18n'' variable. ===== safe_slash_html ===== ===== xmlFilterChars ===== ===== getRegexUnicode ===== ===== safe_strip_decode ===== ===== strip_decode ===== ===== pathinfo_filename ===== ===== getFileExtension ===== ===== suggest_site_path ===== ===== myself ===== ===== get_themes ===== ===== htmldecode ===== ===== lowercase ===== **Signature** lowercase($text) **Description**\\ Converts ''$text'' to lowercase. ===== find_accesskey ===== **Signature** find_accesskey($i18n_string) **Description**\\ Relies on access keys being enclosed by '' elements in an i18n string. Used especially in the admin's main navigation. ===== _id ===== ===== defined_array ===== ===== check_empty_folder ===== ===== folder_items ===== ===== validate_url ===== ===== formatXmlString_legacy ===== ===== formatXmlString ===== ===== http_protocol ===== ===== file_mime_type ===== ===== is_frontend ===== ===== get_site_version ===== ===== get_site_lang ===== ===== toBytes ===== ===== removerelativepath ===== ===== directoryToArray ===== ===== getDef ===== ===== isDebug ===== ===== isBeta ===== ===== requestIsAjax ===== ===== arrayIsMultid ===== ===== returnJsArray ===== ===== header_xframeoptions ===== ===== strip_whitespace ===== ===== strip_content =====