=== Hooks and Filters === DEPRECATED\\ **NEW**\\ == Front-End Hooks == ^ Hook ID ^ Description ^ Support ^ | theme-header | Fired in '''' section of theme. Requires ''get_header()'' in template | | | theme-footer | Fired in the footer of the theme. Requires ''get_footer()'' in template | | | content-top | Fired right above content area of theme | | | content-bottom | Fired right below content area of theme | | | index-pretemplate | Called before your template files are rendered | | | index-posttemplate | Called after your template files are rendered | | | error-404 | Called if the page does not exist before rendering the error page | | == Back-End Hooks == ^ Hook ID ^ Description ^ Support ^ | admin-pre-header | Called before the ''header.php'' template file is loaded | 3.1+ | | archive-backup | Fired when an archive backup has been created | | | caching-save | Fired before ''data/other/pages.xml'' file is saved for caching | 3.1-3.3 | | **caching-saved** | Fired after ''data/other/pages.xml'' pagecache file is successfully saved | 3.3+ | | changedata-aftersave | Called after a page is saved | 3.1+ | | changedata-updateslug | Called when slug changed on an existing page | | | changedata-save | Called just before a page is saved | | | common | Called immediately after the plugin functions are included in ''common.php'' | 3.1+ | | component-extras | Fired when creating component sections, allows additional form elements | | | edit-extras | Fired within the Page Options toggle-div within ''edit.php'' | | | file-extras | Fired at the end of the file list | | | file-uploaded | Fired after a file has been successfully uploaded | | | footer | Called in the footer section of the rendered page | | | download-file | Called when downloading files via ''download.php'' | | | header | Called in the head section of the rendered page | | | header-body | Called in the body before output of the page | | | healthcheck-extras | Allows additional Health-check entries | | | html-editor-init | Called after ckeditor js is output | | | index-login | Fired above the login form | | | logfile_delete | fired when a logfile is deleted | | | login-reqs | Fired on the login page footer | | | logout | Fired when a user logs out | | | page-delete | fired when a page is deleted | | | pages-main | Fired when the pages maincontent in rendered | | | plugin-hook | Fired before the Plugin page is rendered | | | resetpw-error | Fired when password reset and error | | | resetpw-success | Fired when password reset and successful | | | save-sitemap | Fired before the ''sitemap.xml'' file is saved | -3.1 | | settings-cpsettings | Fired before the settings cp_settings file is created | 2.x-3.0 | | settings-user | Fired before the settings user file is created | | | settings-user-extras | Fired on the settings page, before //Save Settings// in the user section | | | settings-website | Fired before the settings website page is created | | | settings-website-extras | Fired on the settings page, before //Save Settings// in the website section | | | sitemap-additem | Allow insertion of a new sitemap XML entry | -3.1 | | sitemap-saved | Called after the sitemap is successfully saved | 3.3+ | | successful-login-end | | | | successful-login-start | | | | support-extras | Allows additional support setting form entries | | | support-save | Fired before ''cp_settings.xml'' file is created | -3.0 | | theme-edit-extras | Fired in the theme edit screen before the submit button | | | theme-extras | Fired after the theme screenshot | | | welcome-doc-link | Allows additional documentation links on the Welcome page | | | welcome-link | Allows additional links on the Welcome page | | == Back-End GUI == ^ Hook ID ^ Description ^ Support ^ | backups-sidebar | Sidebar item on Backups Page | | | files-sidebar | Sidebar item on Files Page | | | pages-sidebar | Sidebar item on Pages Page | | | plugins-sidebar | Sidebar item on Plugins Page | | | settings-sidebar | Sidebar item on Settings Page | | | support-sidebar | Sidebar item on Support Page | | | theme-sidebar | Sidebar item on Theme Page | | | nav-tab | Insert navigation bar tab | | == Filters == ^ Filter ID ^ Description ^ Support ^ |content |filters page content data | | |menuitems |filters the menu html returned in ''get_navigation()'' | | |**pagecache** |filters ''$pagesarray'' data before saving | 3.3+ | |**sitemap** |filters the ''$sitemap'' xmlobj before saving | 3.3+ |