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config:htaccess [2011/03/04 15:51]
ccagle8 created
config:htaccess [2011/03/04 16:47]
Line 16: Line 16:
 The code above should be included in your .htaccess file below the RewriteBase line, but before the **RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f** line. See [[http://​​forum/​topic/​286/​force-or-nowww-code-for-htaccess/​|this forum post]] for more information. The code above should be included in your .htaccess file below the RewriteBase line, but before the **RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f** line. See [[http://​​forum/​topic/​286/​force-or-nowww-code-for-htaccess/​|this forum post]] for more information.
 +===== Optimization =====
 +In lieu of using a caching plugin to speed up your GetSimple based website, you can try adding this little piece of code to the bottom of your root level .htaccess file. It's been running on for months with absolutely no problems.
 +<​code>#​ Enable GZIP
 +<​ifmodule mod_deflate.c>​
 +AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/​x-javascript application/​javascript
 +BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/​html
 +BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/​4\.0[678] no-gzip
 +BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/​html
 +# Expires Headers - 2678400s = 31 days
 +<​ifmodule mod_expires.c>​
 +  ExpiresActive On
 +  ExpiresDefault "​access plus 1 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType text/html "​access plus 7200 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType image/gif "​access plus 2678400 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType image/jpeg "​access plus 2678400 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType image/png "​access plus 2678400 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType text/css "​access plus 518400 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType text/​javascript "​access plus 2678400 seconds"​
 +  ExpiresByType application/​x-javascript "​access plus 2678400 seconds"​
 +# Cache Headers
 +<​ifmodule mod_headers.c>​
 +  # Cache specified files for 31 days
 +  <​filesmatch "​\.(ico|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|css|swf)$">​
 +  Header set Cache-Control "​max-age=2678400,​ public"​
 +  </​filesmatch>​
 +  # Cache HTML files for a couple hours
 +  <​filesmatch "​\.(html|htm)$">​
 +  Header set Cache-Control "​max-age=7200,​ private, must-revalidate"​
 +  </​filesmatch>​
 +  # Cache PDFs for a day
 +  <​filesmatch "​\.(pdf)$">​
 +  Header set Cache-Control "​max-age=86400,​ public"​
 +  </​filesmatch>​
 +  # Cache Javascripts for 31 days
 +  <​filesmatch "​\.(js)$">​
 +  Header set Cache-Control "​max-age=2678400,​ private"​
 +  </​filesmatch>​
 +Thanks to [[http://​​2010/​06/​web-performant-wordpress|Dave Rupert]] for the code that was originally created for WordPress.
config/htaccess.txt ยท Last modified: 2013/04/19 15:04 (external edit)