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how_to:editor_configuration_toolbars [2011/11/10 17:31]
mrmut [Toolbars]
how_to:editor_configuration_toolbars [2015/01/25 17:35] [Custom Toolbar with Copy/Paste / Paste from WORD and Search/Replace]
Line 70: Line 70:
   ['​Styles','​Format','​Font','​FontSize'​]   ['​Styles','​Format','​Font','​FontSize'​]
   ");   ");
 +Other example
 +# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config]) ​
 +['​Bold',​ '​Italic',​ '​Underline','​Strike','​Subscript','​Superscript',​ '​NumberedList',​ '​BulletedList','​JustifyLeft','​JustifyCenter','​JustifyRight',​
 +'​JustifyBlock',​ '​Table',​ '​TextColor',​ '​BGColor',​ '​Link','​Unlink',​ '​Image'​],​
 This will add  a new ribbon on top of the "​advanced"​- toolbar, adding buttons for "​Copy/​Paste"​ and "​Search/​Replace"​ to the advanced-Editor-Toolbar-Configuration.\\ Please note that not all of the above functions are supported by your browser eventually. Firefox does not support COPY and CUT, a messagebox opens when that buttons are used which suggests to use the standard-keyboard-short cuts instead. This will add  a new ribbon on top of the "​advanced"​- toolbar, adding buttons for "​Copy/​Paste"​ and "​Search/​Replace"​ to the advanced-Editor-Toolbar-Configuration.\\ Please note that not all of the above functions are supported by your browser eventually. Firefox does not support COPY and CUT, a messagebox opens when that buttons are used which suggests to use the standard-keyboard-short cuts instead.
how_to/editor_configuration_toolbars.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/09/17 19:22 by Carlos