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How to Upgrade Automatically via the SVN

GetSimple has an SVN setup over on Google Code. You have the ability to automatically pull down the latest SVN copy with the script below.

<pre> <?php /* Pulls the new admin directory directly from the GetSimple SVN

The paths don't need to be 'absolute', but I have them this way because my host required absolute paths for cron jobs.


# setup

echo “[”.date('r').“] Started”;

# create new instance of svn client
$svnurl = '';
$phpsvnclient = new phpsvnclient($svnurl);

# rename old admin directory
rename('/absolute/path/to/getsimple/', '/absolute/path/to/getsimple-old/');

# create new admin directory

echo “[”.date('r').“] Copying…”;

# pull new admin directory. 
$phpsvnclient->checkOut('trunk/', '/absolute/path/to/getsimple/');

?> </pre>

how_to/svn_pull.1316177335.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/19 14:56 (external edit)