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Register365 and use Zeus Webserver instead of Apache which means Fancy URLs cannot be used with GS.

To enable Fancy URLs copy the following to a file called 'rewrite.script' on the DOCROOT of your server and enable Fancy URLs in the Settings Tab

Note: At the moment it does not work if you have installed GS in subdirectory

#Zeus webserver version of basic GetSimple CMS rewrite rules
map path into SCRATCH:path from %{URL}
look for file at %{SCRATCH:path}
if exists then goto END
look for dir at %{SCRATCH:path}
if exists then goto END

#Ignore for Admin
#Change below if you Admin in a different Directory
match URL into $ with ^/admin.*$
if matched then goto END

match URL into $ with /?([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$
set URL = /index.php?id=$1
installation/register365.1305315387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/19 14:56 (external edit)