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Как сделать резервную копию

По умолчанию в качестве резервной копии GetSimple создает ZIP-архив всех необходимых файлов вашего сайта. Начиная с версии 3.1, при отсутствии поддержки создания zip-файлов вашим хостером, GetSimple попытается создать tar.gz - архив.

You can navigate to Backups → Website Archives → Create New Archive Now

To download a backup, click on it's Title (date).

Note: If you have trouble opening a backup, try downloading and using a different archive-program to open the archive such as 7zip

Создание резервной копии вручню

Sometimes you не имеете возможности to do a backup via the control panel as described above. Below are the list of folders that the backup zips up for you automatically. Making copies of these folders will give you a complete backup of your site.

/theme/ (although, really you only need your active theme)

If you use a language file other than en_US.php, then you may want to also make a copy of the /admin/lang/xx_XX.php language file that you do use.

ru/how_to/backup_website.1379307850.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/16 05:04 by Arkady