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Website Settings

Website Settings are site-wide, meaning that it does not matter who is logged into the backend - everyone will see the same exact settings.

  • Website Name - This is the Name of your website
  • Website Base URL - This is the URL of where your GetSimple site is installed to
  • Custom Permalink Structure - Allows you to customize your URL structure.

Create custom permalinks via the Settings tab in your GetSimple installation. Permalinks help define the URL structure of your site. If you put a value in the Custom Permalink Structure input box, your FancyURL setting may be overridden by the string you put in.

The default URL structure for “FancyURLs” ON is: %parent%/%slug%/

The default URL structure for “FancyURLs” OFF is: index.php?id=%slug%


The two tags to build your custom permalink are %parent% and %slug% Do not use a beginning slash


Replace subdirectory with your own virtual directory - this folder does not need to exist:


Removes the index.php from URL. This can be done without Fancy URL's turned on:


Adding .html, .htm or .php extension to URLs

If you want to add an extension (.html, .htm or .php) to your website's pages, you first need turn on Use Fancy URLs, then set the Custom Permalink Structure to (example for pages that will end in .html):


Next, you need to make a small change to your root level .htaccess file. Change the Rewrite Rule to this:

RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+).html$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

NOTE: Change .html to .php (or .htm) in both the Rewrite Rule above and the permalink structure, if you are using that extension instead.

User Profile

This section of Settings allows you to change settings particular to the logged in user.

  • Username - Cannot be changed as of GS 3.0. This is the login username.
  • Email Address - This is the email address of the logged in user. It is used primary with the Reset Password feature and by some “contact us” plugins.
  • Local Timezone - This helps show you the correct time that files have been created.
  • Language - This changes the language of the backend of the site. You can download additional languages from Extend.
  • Enable the HTML Editor - Enables the WYSIWYG editor within the page editor.
  • New Password / Confirm Password - Only fill in these fields if you plan on changing your password. Leaving this blank and clicking “Save” leaves your password as-is.


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ru/how_to/website_settings.1379996263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/24 04:17 by Arkady