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Ways to Secure GetSimple

As of version 2.03, GetSimple is a very securely written CMS. However, there will always be ways to increase your site's security. We have some extra security pieces that will help make your GetSimple installation as secure as it can get.

These changes are to be made within your configuration file: /path/to/getsimple/gsconfig.php

Login Extra Hash

This line will add an extra hash to your login cookie, making it even harder to decrypt. To use it, uncomment out (remove the #) this line in the configuration file and set the unique phrase to something only you can dream of. If you need help creating a unique phrase, you can use our API here.

#define('GSLOGINSALT', 'your_unique_phrase');

Unique Salt

Each time you install GetSimple, your install receives a completely unique salt value courtesy of our API. If you choose, you can alternatively replace the salt value you received at setup with something you create. To use it, uncomment out (remove the #) this line in the configuration file and set the unique phrase to something only you can dream of. If you need help creating a unique phrase, you can use our API here.

This salt (custom or default) is used to prevent XSS hack attempts and provides file upload verification.

#define('GSUSECUSTOMSALT', 'your_new_salt_value_here');
security.1297646977.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/19 14:53 (external edit)