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News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Printable Version

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News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Alb - 2011-12-09

Hello. I just installget getsimple 3.0 .
I edited a template, and I am still working on it, and I created 3 pages in 4 languages..
- 1 page is home in 4 different languages,
- 1 page is contact in 4 different languages,
- 1 page is for news/articles , where i want to add different news/ articles and translate them in 4 different languages. these articles should be displayed in a page and I am thinkinig to be displayed with excerpt and to have pagination. I want a news/article manager that helps me when i add a post I can select in what language is that post, and that post to be displayed just in the news/article page i have created in the selected language from the user.
I installed :
- I18N Base Internationalize content based on slug/URL names
Version 2.5.1 — Author: Martin Vlcek
- I18N Navigation Multilevel navigation & breadcrumbs (I18N enabled)
Version 2.5.1 — Author: Martin Vlcek
- A blog/news plugin for GetSimple
Version 2.2.4 — Author: Rogier Koppejan

Is there any plugin that can help me doing so and I couldn't find it or is a known way?

News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Oleg06 - 2011-12-09

i18search plugin

News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Alb - 2011-12-09

I want to do something like yours. But how can I post the news in different languages ?

News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Oleg06 - 2011-12-09

for default language page link your-link
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'ru', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
for en language page link your-link_en
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'en', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
for fr language page link your-link_fr
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'fr', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
for de language page link your-link_de
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'blog', 'DATE_FORMAT'=>'', 'max'=>4, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'de', 'numWords'=>'1p','HEADER'=>'')); ?>
and then create a news page with the same references(_en, _de, _fr) and tagged blog or any other

News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Alb - 2011-12-09

I am not understanding what you are suggesting me. I am a begginer and I don't know so much in php and getsimple cms
I created 4 pages.

I use News manager and the news are displayed from news managaer settings in news_en by default.
I used
<a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(return_i18n_setlang_url('sq')); ?>" title='Shqip'"><img src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/images/sq.png" alt="Shqip" /></a>
to display a flag in my page and when somebody click on it the displayed page language is in albanian.
Untill now is good.
My problem is, when I post a new article how can I select that article to be shown just in the news_sq page , not in all news pages (news_en,news_it,news_sq,news_ro)?

News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - Oleg06 - 2011-12-09

i18search plugin

News / Articles plugin in a multilanguage site. - mvlcek - 2011-12-10

Alb Wrote:I am not understanding what you are suggesting me. I am a begginer and I don't know so much in php and getsimple cms

I think, Oleg suggests not to use the News Manager plugin, but do it with the I18N and I18N Search plugins as described here or here (thanks to angryboy).