2011-08-07, 01:30:42
Carlos Wrote:GS should have a working redirection plugin
Thanks Connie and Carlos - I turned to the plug-in option after a fair bit of experimenting with .htaccess examples I'd Googled (none of which I managed to get to work). I will have another try using your suggestions.
I think plugins for .htaccess-related tasks would be a great addition to making GS 'less-techy'-friendly. There are lots of potential users out there who may be familiar with front-end design but get snagged on what are (to the uninitiated) time-consuming tweaks (because you have to have enough understanding of unfamiliar syntax).
In terms of end-users, a plugin would also mean a non-techy can rename a page (say in response to SEO, or simply an error) without fear of 'breaking' the site, and without the cost of involving their webmaster.
I think the other piece of this is custom (or even better, intelligent) 404s - even on small sites, quickly signposting a visitor positively helps a lot - "did you mean x?" is much better than just "dead end".