2012-10-28, 12:25:42
islander Wrote:Huston, we have a problem.
Something appears to have broke. I created a single new tab on a fresh install. Added text in "main", added text in "other", everything is fine. Went back to "main" to modify, all text had been reset to "Add your content to the section: Main". Added again, switched back and forth between tabs, main has cleared its self again.
This was done on a fresh install using default settings with this being the only plugin installed. Poop.
Ah bugger. Alrighty lets figure this out.
Does the second tab you made save its data?
What tags are you using on the page? get_page_content? insert_page_content? and with what in the brackets?
In the pages XML file (under data/pages) what does the area in 'content' say?