2013-03-04, 01:57:38
(2013-03-03, 22:04:58)Alb Wrote: Hello. I need some help with changing the frontend default language of the site. I a using the I18N plugin to make my site in 4 diferent languages.I am trying to make the default language of the site from en_US in sq_AL . I tried to addPHP Code:sq_AL
ro_ROin gsconfig but it wasn't working.PHP Code:$LANG = "sq_AL";
Some help?
Thanks in advance
You have to set the default language (2 letters, e.g. "sq") in the "view all pages" view in the administration. But it will not change existing pages: if you previously had the default language "en", I18N will just assume that all the default language pages are in albanian (although in reality they are still english).