Why editor replaces the Polish letter "ó" on ó. Search on the site does not display any words with letter "ó" ???
And this is very important for SEO.
how to fix this problem
i dont see how this would effect SEO at all. You think Google doesn't know what ó is? We've had this discussion before and noone has ever given us good evidence that this is really a problem for SEO.
Maybe SEO is not a problem but when i use search i dont have any result with letter "ó"... this is a problem... we have many words with letter "ó"
everything is ok now, I updated the search engine and everything looks good. Sorry for problem.
rzientek Wrote:everything is ok now, I updated the search engine and everything looks good. Sorry for problem.
And what steps did you take to achieve it ?
I had an old search plugin, so I changed to I18N Search plugin and anything look's good.
that's good news rzientek, but I still fail to see how this has anything to do with SEO...
I was wrong. Everything is fine with SEO
my bad
ok, great, thanks... I just wanted to make sure there wasnt something wrong with GS from a multi-language standpoint... im open to make changes, but i need to see the proof first. Hope you can understand!