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Full Version: New Free Theme: InsAcademy
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Sorry I have to shut down the demo. But the download is still available.


This theme is also released for XOOPS, you can get it in the URL above.

You can edit slider.php to change the full screen wide slideshow and edit scroll.php to change the scroll in the bottom.
nice! my congrats Wink
vsky Wrote:nice! my congrats Wink

Yeah i'll say, very nice.
Thank you guys... I've update the theme a little bit.
I love the scroller at the bottom. You should release it on its own as a plugin?
I love this Theme and started working on a site with it, but just noticed that it does not look right in Internet Explorer. I was testing in version 8 and even turned on compatibility mode and the menu disappeared. I absolutely despise Internet Explorer, but when I'm working on a site, I have to make sure that the site is at least viewable in both browsers.

Has anyone else noticed this? It's mainly the menu text and the opacity of the background images.
Upload your theme in this section :

what is the file of the theme in your google source ?

What an awesome theme. I learned a lot from reading this entire theme. I hope it gets put up in the themes section.
Sorry I have to shut down the demo. But the download is still available.
insraq I can host your demo for you if you'd like.
samrocksc Wrote:insraq I can host your demo for you if you'd like.

@samrocksc: Thanks a lot. Feel free to do that and you can inform me of the demo address and I can put it up in this post.
Hi :-)

i'm using this theme and i have a problem.

at the first i tought that problem was by a plugin, but maybe problem is by theme+plugin!

i use "getSimple 3.0" + "InsAcademy" theme
ans i use also "The Photo Gallery" plugin
...but doesn't work!

in fact i choose folder for gallery.
i put code (% the_photo_gallery %) in a page.
i can see also images.
but if i click on an image in the page, "The Photo Gallery" doens't open image in black splash-screen, but simply open in a new white page (similar to a simple link with "target_blank" in html code)


i try to find info about my problem and maybe the problem is in "InsAcademy" theme
"The Photo Gallery" plugin


because so there are:
- 2 "(document).ready" in the same page
- 2 "jquery" in the same page
- 2 "$ jQuery" in the same page

in fact in the same page there is not only "Photo Gallery" (made by plugin) but also a slide and a scroller (made by theme)


this is code of ALL page:




<!-- The Photo Gallery [start] -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="screen" />
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if(jQuery().fancybox) {

#the_photo_gallery h3 {margin:0 0 20px 0;}
#the_photo_gallery, #the_photo_gallery_albums {margin:0 0 10px 0;}
#the_photo_gallery_breadcrumbs {font-size:11px;margin:0 0 20px 0;padding:5px 10px;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#f6f6f6;}
#the_photo_gallery a.thumbnail img {padding:3px;margin:0 10px 10px 0;}
#the_photo_gallery_albums a.thumbnail img {float:left;margin-right:15px;max-height:80px;}
#the_photo_gallery_albums p {margin:0;line-height:18px;font-size:12px;}
#the_photo_gallery_albums p strong.tpg_title {line-height:25px;font-size:14px;}
#the_photo_gallery em {font-style:italic;color:#666;}
#the_photo_gallery a.thumbnail:link img, #the_photo_gallery a.thumbnail:visited img {border:1px solid #ccc;}
#the_photo_gallery a.thumbnail:hover img, #the_photo_gallery a.thumbnail:focus img {border:1px solid #999;}
.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden; }
.clearfix:after { clear: both; }
<!-- The Photo Gallery [end] -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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<style type="text/css">#shareline{margin: 0 auto; height: 30px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 4px;}</style>
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all" />
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
fx: 'scrollDown',
timeout: 6000

fx: 'scrollHorz',
timeout: 2000,
next: '#btn_next',
prev: '#btn_prev'
<body id="photogallery" >
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<div id="maincontent" class="container_12">?<div class="grid_3">


</div>?<div class="grid_9">
<div class="center-block">
<h2>Photo Gallery</h2>
Photo Gallery</p>
<div id="the_photo_gallery"><h3></h3><div id="the_photo_gallery_photos" class="clearfix" ><a href="" class="thumbnail" rel="tpgallery" ><img src=";w=100&amp;h=100" alt="" /></a><a href="" class="thumbnail" rel="tpgallery" ><img src=";w=100&amp;h=100" alt="" /></a></div></div></p>

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please, i hope you can help me :-)