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Full Version: Installation error
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Following the instructions here ( to install.
Also added
Following the instructions here ( to install.
Also added "AddType x-mapp-php5 .php .php3 .php4 .htm .html" into .htaccess to force php5 and avoid the parse error.
But got the following "message", in fact, the code in index.php in my browser.
Any idea? Thanks!

title; $date = $data_index->pubDate; $metak = $data_index->meta; $metad = $data_index->metad; $url = $data_index->url; $content = $data_index->content; $parent = $data_index->parent; $template_file = $data_index->template; $private = $data_index->private; if ($private == 'Y') { header('Location: 403'); exit; } if ($url == '403') { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } // include the functions.php page if it exists within the theme if ( file_exists("theme/".$TEMPLATE."/functions.php") ) { include("theme/".$TEMPLATE."/functions.php"); } // call pretemplate Hook exec_action('index-pretemplate'); // include the template and template file set within theme.php and each page if ( (!file_exists("theme/".$TEMPLATE."/".$template_file)) || ($template_file == '') ) { $template_file = "template.php"; } include("theme/".$TEMPLATE."/".$template_file); // call posttemplate Hook exec_action('index-posttemplate'); ?>
that usually means that PHP isnt installed... can you upload the contents of your phpinfo()?
Yes, you are right. I just checked with our system admin. Our system only has php4 installed. That is why I got parse errors. After adding "AddType x-mapp-php5 .php .php3 .php4 .htm .html", basically just no php at all.

Thanks for your help!