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PHP script in pages? - Printable Version

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PHP script in pages? - jdonth - 2010-11-23

I hope this is not a really stupid question but...

Can I execute php scripts from within a page?

For (a silly) example, can I embed <? phpinfo(); ?> directly into a web page?
If not, are there a set of globals that I CAN call?

The only place I seem to be able to get scripts to work are within components, which I can only get to from themes. Seems like a long way to go for access to a variable so I'm assuming I'm missing something basic.


PHP script in pages? - n00dles101 - 2010-11-23

Download and install Chris's Exec PHP Plugin from

Which will allow you to use PHP within your web pages...


PHP script in pages? - Carlos - 2010-11-23

I haven't seen it in the forum, but in Extend I found an interesting plugin, RePlacer:
which makes inserting php code easy.

However it seems it doesn't work when there are single quotes (') in the code. Anyway I have only done a few tests...

PHP script in pages? - jdonth - 2010-11-24

Thanks to both of you. I am now coding again!