2019-02-19, 23:44:10
I created starter theme for developers and users.
What include?
https://wowjs.uk - wow.js animation when you scroll https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ - animate.css animation https://fontawesome.com - fontawesome https://getbootstrap.com - bootstrap 4.3.1
compatiblility dropdown menu for edit in style.css ( i18n must active)
edit config.js and created template for easy grid like a screenshoot.
This theme is only starter for you create own new theme.
template grid is coming with PL lang, but easy to translate in grid.js
how use it? Click "templates" on ckeditor and use what do you want
Install on themes and remeber active in gsconfig.
WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config])
define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced');
WYSIWYG Editor Options
define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', "entities : false,customConfig : '../../../../theme/starter-theme-multicolor/config.js' ");
WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config])
define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced');
WYSIWYG Editor Options
define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', "entities : false,customConfig : '../../../../theme/starter-theme-multicolor/config.js' ");