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The Backup-Feature in the admin area is really useful.
But it lacks some important parts of the GetSimple-Installation.
- admin/lang - directory should be saved. Chris promised once to include that ;=)
- /admin/template/js/ckeditor/plugins as well, as we recommend and describe how to add functionality to the editor
- /admin/template/js/ckeditor/skins as well as users might have installed other skins
The temp.gsconfig.php-file misses this entry:
Code: # Make login cookie available sitewide.
Please take care to include these files in the next GS-release!
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lang IS backed up.
Cookies are sitewide as of 3.2
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shawn_a Wrote:lang IS backed up.
no, it ain't. I made a complete backup. Not with GS 3.1.2
I see a ZIP in Backups / Website Archives
when I download it from there, (context menue: save as) I get a ZIP with the name "_var_www_xxxxx_html_getsimple_backups_zip_2012-08-19-1507_44_archive" which contains /plugins, /theme and /var
/var contains subfolders: \www\web10\html\getsimple without any language file
2nd try: I download the created file by FTP from /backups/zip, where it is named ""
this ZIP contains the same data and data-structure (sure, it is the same file!) and lacks the language file as well
I expected /admin/lang/....
which version did you check for the language file?
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oops my bad.
I have a archive from may that has lang in it.
This was removed as of
r 550
I think it may have been a mistake the comments on the commit are not very verbose nor does it explain the change.
Well get this added back in and consider making a config "backup paths" constant for end user config.
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Hmm strange, not sure why we would have removed that folder...
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heres a quick fix, I don't think that code was working as expected though, since it was already checking for admin path. true or false or true != false
If it was it was because of a subsequent bug.
Code: zip.php #46
if (( strstr($dir, $GSADMIN.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) || strstr($dir, 'backups'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) and !strstr($dir, $GSADMIN.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'lang'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ) {
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Why would we want to backup admin languages and CKEditor plugins? They don't change normally.
Rather than these directories the plugins directory would be more important, as the plugin release cycle is normally shorter than that of GetSimple itself.
I would think it is more important to have a mechanism for plugins to exclude files in the data directory, e.g. the GetSimple page data cache, the I18N search index, the I18N navigation index or the Hitcount indexes - all files that can be easily (normally automatically) recreated.
Or maybe offer normal backup (just data, without excluded files) and full backup (all directories including admin, plugins, but still without excluded files)?
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Well we call this website archive, but its not really that now is it ?
We are backing up alot more than just data, we are backing up all plugins and themes as well.
So either we keep archive and make it data only ( with filters for cache folders ) and add a site backup that backs up everything, or we allow archives to include accepted "customizable" folders to be included in archives.
I consider lang one of those , but not ckeditor, ckeditor is a core customization that the user should be responsible for on their own. Or they should be using CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal() if they are that concerned and put their plugins in their theme folders.
But it really isn't a big deal for us to simply make a user config for adding their own paths to backup. Then everyone is happy. Maybe add another config for exclude paths as well, eg. data/cache.
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I didn't remember that the plugins directory is also backed up - backup times out on my website because of a restriction on the maximum duration of php scripts.
But I just checked locally: seems that (at least with 3.0) all directories but admin are backed up, even additional ones I created for one reason or another (like tmp or my directory for phpEasyVCS).
I suggest to back up only data, plugins, theme (and maybe admin/lang) by default and allow the user to - add additional directories (e.g. text field, where he can add top directory names separated by comma)
- add regular expressions (also separated by commas) for paths he does not want to include
Additionally plugins should be able to add regular expressions for paths to exclude (like e.g. all the auto-resized images for I18N Gallery as "/data/thumbs/(.*/)?i18npic\..*").
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mvlcek Wrote:Why would we want to backup admin languages and CKEditor plugins? They don't change normally.
Martin, it is necessary. I noticed that after updates the existing language files were missing, deleted, as only the english file is contained in the update
I also noted that Editor-Plugins were deleted once, because only the standard plugins are contained in the updates
I regard language-files and editor-plugin as "user-related"-data
this happened. And that's why a backup is a backup is a backup
There was a promise to include the language file into the backups once!