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Launch of german website:

after some work, fun and incompentence-compensation (we possess a big portion of incompetence-compensation-competence) we are glad to announce

the official Launch of the ultimative German GetSimple-Website!

We planned it to be an addition to the home of GetSimple,, and we try to show the beauty of GetSimple.

You are invited to judge whether we reached our goal! Check it out at

The curtain is lifted, the baby is born ;=)

Connie and Thorsten

Und nun auf deutsch:

Nach einer Menge Arbeit, Spaß und Inkompetenz-Kompensation (wir beide verfügen über recht ausgeprägte Inkompetenz-Kompensations-Kompetenz ;=)) können wir nun die

die ultimative deutschsprachige German GetSimple-Website ankündigen!

Wir sehen diese Seite als Ergänzung zur englischsprachigen Webseite und wir haben uns vorgenommen, die Einfachheit und Leichtigkeit von GetSimple auch im deutschsprachigen Raum vorzustellen und ein wenig zu puschen...

Schaut selbst nach, ob wir unser Ziel erreicht haben:

Und wenn was nicht ok ist, nicht funktioniert oder unverständlich formuliert ist, einfach Bescheid sagen!

So, der Vorhang ist gelüftet, das Baby ist in der Welt!

Thorsten und Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Great job you two!
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Didn't know CC had an interview Smile
YAY! things are going forward pretty fast.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
haha, i posted it on the blog, but i know its kinda hidden and not looked at very often at all..
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Connie Wrote:Und wenn was nicht ok ist, nicht funktioniert oder unverständlich formuliert ist, einfach Bescheid sagen!

Homepage: Link "plugins" is wrong.
Plugins-Seite ( no permission for most links.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek Wrote:Homepage: Link "plugins" is wrong.

mvlcek Wrote:Plugins-Seite ( no permission for most links.
Can't replicate this here (logged in/out), got access to sub links alright. Anybody else experience mvlcek's problems?
polyfragmented Wrote:[Anybody else experience mvlcek's problems?
I do. I get 403 forbidden error in links like
oh so stupid ...

there is a folder /plugins at any GS installation
this folder is protected by .htaccess

so if you have a page called "plugins" (in this case it is the parent) it will run into this .htaccess restrictions

I fixed that, and because some of these sites are not ready as well, made them "private" but forgot to take off the links or to repair the links

It is fixed now, thanks for telling!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Carlos Wrote:I do. I get 403 forbidden error in links like
Connie Wrote:It is fixed now, thanks for telling!
Hmm, it's still giving a 403 error here (clean cache, different browser).

(Private pages give a 404 error with direct addressing.)
I will go into it, thanks for info

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
That link I posted is no longer valid, the current url (that works ok) for the same page has changed to:

heh, with fancy urls enabled you can't have pages with slug (or subpages of) 'plugins', 'data' or 'backups' :-)

I know that, yes, it is not possible to name a page "data" or give it the name of one of the GetSimple-Folders
when I realised that I changed immediately the slugs

but the problem was that

1) on one page I had older links which were outdated but not updated by me in the text

2) the main problem was that the search function listed old links which also were not available anymore, outdated

Now it seems to me that there are no more broken links in the content and no more wrong search results

getting forward step by step ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

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