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Plugins don't work anymore when site is online

I've been setting up a website and now wanted to test it online. So I copied the files on to the server, changed the url in the admin panel to fit, but I can't get most of the plugins to load. They just show like so: (% dcart :toets %)

I tried reactivating the plugins, also tried inserting the code part in to the WYSIWYG-Editor again, but to no prevail :/ Servercheck says, everything is ok.

Any Ideas that could help me get them going again?

The website can be found here:

Check out that URL of your main webpage is correct in settings.
Try to enable website debugging by uncommenting
#define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);
in CONFIG.PHP (or by enabling Debug Mode plugin if you have installed it) and then post any errors and warnings to the list.
Check status of plugins on Plugins Tab if all required plugins are enabled.
Jup, the URL is correct and all plugins are enabled.

Turning on the GSDEBUG gives me this:
Quote:: file_get_contents(/home/vhosts/5000159660/ [
function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
on line

: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/vhosts/5000159660/
on line

And this is the code of basic.php, line 218:
* Get XML Data
* Turns the XML file into an object
* @since 1.0
* @param string $file
* @return object
function getXML($file) {
    $xml = file_get_contents($file);
    $data = simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLExtended', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
    return $data;

The last message in p01-contacT_gs.php is because getXML() in basic.php is called.

Soo, seems to me that the user.xml is missing? I never had any user.xml before, in any other installation Sad
by the way: what is the server health info?

Support / erste Schritte / Website Serverprüfung

if that info is ok, I suggest to save the data directories, upload completely and install a new

than uploading one plugin, enabling that, upload the datafiles of that plugin (if any)
upload the next plugin, enable that and so on

by this you will find what caused the problem, I am sure

Viel Glück, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thanks Connie,

everything is ok, so I'll try what you suggested.
Light-Pix Wrote:Turning on the GSDEBUG gives me this:
: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/vhosts/5000159660/
on line

The last message in p01-contacT_gs.php is because getXML() in basic.php is called.

Soo, seems to me that the user.xml is missing? I never had any user.xml before, in any other installation Sad

Isn't it a problem with some plugin? And suspect (IMVHO) is p01-contact plugin. It seems to be an outdated version which does search for user.xml file instead of <username>.xml
Those are my supposes only of course! :-)
So, I tried installing everything from scratch again and now have a list of plugins that don't work:

- Dominion jCart (keeps the gallery under "Band" from opening the light box, also the shop doesn't show)
- Mp3 Player Ultimate (also destroys the gallery, but works fine otherwise)
- p01-Contact (doesn't show)

However, p01-contact was the plugin I installed last. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I have it or not.
It does refer to user.xml, tho:
$data = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'user.xml');
How would I change it to point to the current user? Is there any place where I can find the list of all these GSDATAOTHERPATH variables and their purpose?

The current state is viewable here:

I really wonder why it doesn't work here... Works fine on my XAMPP Server.

Thanks for your help, so far.
are you using p01-contact version 0.91 or earlier?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I'm using 0.91.

you can send me per mail /message access data to your server and I can try to find out, if that is ok for you

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
I'd have to ask the webspace owner first, and if he agrees, I'll send you a message. Thanks Smile
Light-Pix Wrote:[p01-contact] does refer to user.xml,
How would I change it to point to the current user?
For a quick solution, you can edit the file p01-contact_gs.php in the plugin directory:
function admin_email()
    $data = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'user.xml');
    return $data->EMAIL;
The file user.xml is only valid for GS versions <3.0. For 3.0+, there can be more than one user.xml-equivalent file, stored in (webroot)/data/users/ and named according to the login names of your registered users. You can substitute one of those filenames in the admin_email() function mentioned above.

In fact, you can manage without that function. The email address returned is only set as the default for the contact form and it can be entered manually in the p01-contact set-up page in the GS backend – after all, it's not very likely that contact forms will be added or removed frequently. In this case, simply add a return instruction at the top of the function definition, before $data = ...
Soo, little status update:

The page has moved to: HERE.

The problem seems to be that the 'content' filter is fired after the content is displayed (with exception of the i18n gallery). I've added an output for each plugin which uses this filter:
echo '<p style="background:burlywood;">i18n Gallery content: '.$content.'</p>';
at the beginning of the method and it shows the problem quite clearly, I think.

Debug mode is on an no errors in sight :/

Anyone know how to fix this problem?

And thank you all for your help so far, especially Connie Smile
I have this problem on my to-do for today, as I will have time for that, promised

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Light-Pix Wrote:The problem seems to be that the 'content' filter is fired after the content is displayed (with exception of the i18n gallery). I've added an output for each plugin which uses this filter:
echo '<p style="background:burlywood;">i18n Gallery content: '.$content.'</p>';
at the beginning of the method and it shows the problem quite clearly, I think.

Try removing the dominion plugins. Their regular expressions for matching the (% ... %) will only work correctly, if there is only one such expression on the page:
will e.g. match everything of the following hypothetical page:
(% gallery ... %) ... dcart ... (% mp3 ... %) ... (% contact ... %) ... (% gallery name:test %)
and try replacing it with the shopping cart named test. If this cart doesn't exist, you get an empty page.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

thanks, I've tried deactivacting the plugins and completely deleting them from the server, but to no prevail :/
I did a check (I got access data from Light-Pix) and I found some differences, which might be the cause for the problems (I checked with a working configuration on my server):

1) your server is PHP 5.3.8 (mine is PHP Version 5.2.6-1+lenny10)
2) MP3-Plugin brings error warnings:

Quote:Comments starting with '#' are deprecated ...
, more info:

3) I found that a lot of php functions are disabled (at my server: none):


memory limit is quite small 68 M (mine has 128M)

this are the differences which I saw, but I am no PHP-expert to identify the guilty ones ...
I think this host is very very limited

which hoster is it?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

the hoster is, I'd have to ask which webspace offer they took.

I created an own MP3-Player Plugin, so that works now. And I found out that the php exec plugin was causing lots of problems too, so I deinstalled that and rewrote the guestbook to manage without having to run php in the editor.

Everything seems to work fine now... That was something ._.
I am glad it is working better now

good luck!


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

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