2011-05-26, 20:01:25
Angryboy Wrote:Thought that I'd write up a tutorial on the way that I use Mvlcek's news plugin.
Wasn't sure where to post this, since it isn't a script or component, but it is a tip on the usage of a plugin. Didn't think Mvlcek would appreciate me highjacking his topic, so I simply put it here.
Great description!
Some comments to make it even easier:
- If you do not have to migrate news from another system, you can also use order:created (creation date is supplied by I18N Custom fields plugin)
- If you add categories as tags/keywords, you can have multiple categories and you can search for them, e.g. Business news with tags:news,Business. You would need to remove the "news" for displaying though.
- what do you think about ditching the excerpt and write is as first paragraph of the news content. I could provide an option to the I18N Search plugin to display the first paragraph instead a number of words.