2011-07-20, 05:19:44
harshalone Wrote:Hi,
I want to create a custom plugin which works like this
Admin :
1. Click on add profile
2. Fill the form
3. Save [ Save into Mysql database]
Front End :
I want to populate the data on front end
How should i create a custom plugin for the new version of getsimple... is there any tutorial guide or a post.
1. I edited the sidebarfile in admin template,
2. Added the menu i wanted to and uploaded my php file inking into the sidebar anchor tag but when i click the link ...... it shows me 404 error saying this page does not found.
Please let me know how i can create a plugin stated above with admin panel because population of data will not be a problem for me i think so.
Looking forward to hear from Admin or any other expert from the forum...
hi there. have you looked at
It is good starting point
Wiki can help allot.
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.