Aight, we've changed some settings directly on the server, CHMOD is now correct and I can save articles again. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
Gimme a minute to check on the plugins...
Okay, so after a CHMOD change (necessary folders and files are now 770) I can create, edit and save articles, upload images and change templates and css through the CMS. When I try to change the settings (site name for example) I get a change to CHMOD 777 error. This also happens when I try to edit newsarticles through NewsManager plugin. The files save okay, but there's visual feedback, which will be confusing for the end-user - which is not me.
I get something like (translated): Error: Can't save changes. CHMOD 777 the folders /data, /backups and underlying files and try again.
Gimme a minute to check on the plugins...
Okay, so after a CHMOD change (necessary folders and files are now 770) I can create, edit and save articles, upload images and change templates and css through the CMS. When I try to change the settings (site name for example) I get a change to CHMOD 777 error. This also happens when I try to edit newsarticles through NewsManager plugin. The files save okay, but there's visual feedback, which will be confusing for the end-user - which is not me.
I get something like (translated): Error: Can't save changes. CHMOD 777 the folders /data, /backups and underlying files and try again.