All I did was change the CHMOD permissions right on the server, not through Filezilla or another program but right within Debian. They're all set to 770 and it works... (owner and groups are allowed read, write and execute, public is denied everything)
Well, it works as in, I can create, edit and save files. I get errors when I try to save newsarticles with News Manager, or CMS settings. These errors mention the CHMOD 777 permission, but the changes are written to file anyway. I still would like to solve those issues as well, but the website works for now.
Well, it works as in, I can create, edit and save files. I get errors when I try to save newsarticles with News Manager, or CMS settings. These errors mention the CHMOD 777 permission, but the changes are written to file anyway. I still would like to solve those issues as well, but the website works for now.