2015-03-15, 00:53:05
(2015-03-14, 07:51:47)shawn_a Wrote: Yeah master branch on GitHubThanks. I'm installing now 3.4.0a - Alpha / Non-Stable on German web hoster ALL-INKL.COM PHP CGI 5.5.22-nmm1.
I get the warning "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.../gs/admin/inc/caching_functions.php on line 382"
I report it here since I found no other thread about 3.4.0. Since modules listed in req. modules should be ok: SimpleXML enabled, ZipArchive not installed / zlib library, mod_rewrite should work, cURL enabled 7.22.0, GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible) enabled;
I wonder if this warning is dependent on the PHP version or another module (caching)?
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 coder. Simple JS & PHP hacker (not enough for new function coding). Build one webpage with GS (late 2012). Focusing on Theme customizing/Template files. Experience with WP.