2015-07-04, 01:04:08
(2015-07-03, 20:10:22)HelgeSverre Wrote: I created a couple of issues on github, If anyone want to contribute, please take a look at this one: https://github.com/HelgeSverre/gs-plugin-installer/issues/5
I want to let other developers write plugins for GS Plugin Installer, I'd like some feedback on which hooks to add and things like that.
Version 1.2.6 has been released.
Localization has been added and some code has been cleaned
Just wonderin, '1.2.6' or '1.3.6'? Must be a typo here/ in the main plugin file on Github.
As for hooks, one use case I see is for warning/update messages/info & links when a user clicks install/ uninstall. Eg suppose myPlugin v2.0 introduces breaking changes with the previous version, before the new version is automatically installed, I'd like to send the user a message (perhaps a dialog box): "Are you sure you want to update? This version introduces breaking changes. Please read the *link: release notes*