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XML-based Search of documents
Basically, I would like to use GS to serve as a repository for SQL code. We have a zillion (maybe several thousand) sql code scripts floating around but no way of storing -- categorizing -- or searching. So no reuse.

I would like to create a simple schema eg. :
<submission date=XXX system=yyy >
<author> </author>
<type> </type>
<summary> </summary>
<tables> </tables>
<requestText> </requestText>
<notes> </notes>
<code> up to 50k lines of sql text </code>

Typical Use Requirements

1) Have my users go to a page -- populate the fields above from a template and submit.

2) User able to go to a second page and search in each or all of the tags--hopefully with some sort of wild cards and boolean logic.

3) system provides a list of matches (nice to have them prioritized)

4) user can Click on list to preview (with copy to clipboard)

5) user can Click on preview to download sql code.

Would GetSimple provide this functionality? I have decent skills in webpage design & programming --C#/Java-- CMS (sharepoint), but would prefer to keep the customization to a minimum -- because it would be a side job--no direct allocation of time/effort from my duties. If not, could someone recommend another sol'n?

Thanks to all
aren't there xml "datahandling systems" with frontend out in the wild already?

I am not sure if GS brings this functionality ;=)

have a look here:

there are applications for your purpose which are designed especially to your needs

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
If just full text and tag search is sufficient, you could try I18N Special Pages and I18N Search.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
glenmaples: after reading about GS capabilities are you sure that nosql cms w/o advanced ACL would fulfill any your requests and would be fast enough ? Not to mention future ideas.

Mine answer is no. GS doesn't come up with any of things you asked out of box. There are also no such plugins.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
N00dles, Matrix plugin should be able to do this. Its still alpha release.

... wait
"up to 50k lines"

sql scripts that are 50k lines?
Is this per record ?

Seems like you need something more powerful than a non db web app if that's the case.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
shawn_a Wrote:N00dles, Matrix plugin should be able to do this. Its still alpha release.

... wait
"up to 50k lines"

sql scripts that are 50k lines?
Is this per record ?

Seems like you need something more powerful than a non db web app if that's the case.

really -- 50 K lines of create, select into, create select... I kid you not, but most are 2K lines or shorter. I was looking at code repository tools, but could not find a great match. Thank you all for the suggestions; I will check them out. Really, I don't need to use XML -- but need the ability to store text, search the text, create own meta data schema and be able to search it. I just thought XML was the most obvious way. Thanks again, everyone!!!!!
glennmaples Wrote:
shawn_a Wrote:N00dles, Matrix plugin should be able to do this. Its still alpha release.

... wait
"up to 50k lines"

sql scripts that are 50k lines?
Is this per record ?

Seems like you need something more powerful than a non db web app if that's the case.

really -- 50 K lines of create, select into, create select... I kid you not, but most are 2K lines or shorter. I was looking at code repository tools, but could not find a great match. Thank you all for the suggestions; I will check them out. Really, I don't need to use XML -- but need the ability to store text, search the text, create own meta data schema and be able to search it. I just thought XML was the most obvious way. Thanks again, everyone!!!!!

Any query that does that much stuff or is that large should be a stored procedure in your database anyway.

I would give the matrix plugin a try at least,
You could use it to simply store a filename as key with any other meta data, and keep your snippets in your own files. Then just do whatever you want with the files externally.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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