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Sites for clients

I just wanted to see if I got something right. I looked everywhere on the internet and I think I figured this out: When I create a html and cms site for someone I have to upload their cms files to their web host and not mine's. I want them to be able to update their own sites after I finish designing the site for them.

Now, in the future if they want me to perform site maintenance, I will have to have their login details so that I can work on their site?

Is this correct?


You can add as many administrators as you want, although it's not a builtin option.
See wiki or look in extend for the right plugin.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
yojoe Wrote:You can add as many administrators as you want, although it's not a builtin option.
See wiki or look in extend for the right plugin.

Thanks for your reply. I just realized something. In Wordpress I use a multisite plugin. I can add websites and load different themes for these site. I can also add different users to these sites. Is it the same way with GetSimple? Wouldn't I need to use a multisite plugin?


I don't understand what are you trying to achieve ?
Do you want to have one GS installation for multiple, standalone websites on different domains or subdomains?
I haven't seen such solution. But I remember that there was a thread with similar question.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
misstheresa2009 Wrote:In Wordpress I use a multisite plugin.

GetSimple is not working that way.
Each installation has its own admin section.
But you can install more than one user for one installation, have a look at the possibilities of the multi-user-plugin,

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