Multi User

Downloads: 48397
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.1

Last Updated: September 21, 2012
Tags: getsimple getsimple multi-user getsimple multi user user permissions add user edit user user management
Author: mikeh
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4) 99 Votes

Plugin Description:

Multi-User Plugin For User Management, User Creation & User Restrictions/Permissions

Edit User: You are able to edit all the options for each user, including permissions and custom permissions added by other plugins.

Add User: You are able to add a new user and set permissions

Permissions: You can individually block certain features and areas for each individual user. This includes removing the items from the navigation, as well as blocking access to the area/item if the user tries to access it directly. Additionally, other plugin developers can add custom permissions which can be used by their plugin to restrict users access to desired areas of the their plugin.

The Following Areas Can Be Blocked Using The Permissions:


Changes: Version 1.1 (4/11/2011)

  • Links in Admin Panel footer will now be hidden based on permissions set

  • Added 'Disable Admin Access' Checkbox:

    • If Checked, the user will not be able to manage users or access the 'user management' screen.
  • Added 'Custom Landing Page' dropdown:

    • The ability to select an alternate landing page the user will land on after login (useful if 'pages' is disabled)
  • Language files installed will automatically show up in the 'Language' dropdown

  • Cleaned up jquery using Chris's suggestion

Important Change To Note:

I have rearranged the xml file This means that if you have already used the multi user plugin, and you installed version 1.1, you will need to reset the permissions by editing the users.

Version 1.2 (4/21/2011)

  • Added 'Delete User' Link. Deletes the chosen user upon confirmation.

  • Changed 'Edit User' Button To Read as 'Save Changes'.

  • Added 'Hide' button to hide already expanded user details.

Version 1.2.1 (5/1/2011)

  • Fixed some issues related to case-sensitive usernames. Now all usernames will be forced lowercase upon submission.

  • Changed 'Edit User' Button To Read as 'Save Changes'.

  • Removed the ability to Edit The Username. This feature never worked properly and will be re-introduced in a later version.

Version 1.3 (7/31/2011)

  • Fixed "Edit User" Form Previously was not saving/updating correctly
  • Fixed "Delete User" button
  • Now Compatible with GS 3.1
  • Bolded Text Explaining Permissions Blocking.
  • "Add New User" Button Moved To Top left
  • Clicking On Labels For Checkboxes Selects Box
  • The "Edit" User Link "Cursor" Is Now Pointer

Version 1.4 (12/15/2011)

  • Fixed "Manage User" Form In All Versions Of IE - Previously clicking the "Edit" link for a user crashed IE
  • Fixed Occasional Error That Occurred When Resetting Password From Front End
  • Re-Coded Entire Plugin For Easier Future Updating & Community Collaboration
  • Added "Update This Plugin" Button Which Will Update The Plugin To The Newest Version In Extend
  • Fixed Problem With Settings Page - Previously changing the password from the settings page would overwrite permissions Click Here To Learn More About This Fix
  • Various Other Changes And Improvements

Version 1.5 (3/27/2012)

  • Removed "no" text being which was displaying if the settings page was blocked.

Version 1.6 (6/01/2012)

  • Added localization. Includes enUS and enIT language files

Version 1.7 (6/01/2012)

  • Added ability to give users names and bios.
  • Allows users to change their own bio and display name from settings page

Version 1.8.1 (9/21/2012)

  • Added hooks for other plugins to add custom permissions
  • Added functions for other plugins to use to retrieve a users permissions

Version 1.8.2 (9/21/2012)

  • Fixed issue with custom permissions being reset if admin settings form is submitted

Install Instructions:

Drag The Following Files Into Your Plugins Folder:


Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide