The OpenCaptcha no longer works, and we want to change the "getsimple_contact.php" file for the purpose of to choose reCaptcha as the default security. and delete totaly opencaptcha.
we are hosting agents, and we offer websites with Get Simple CMS autoinstalled, and by default the contact form is installed, but now we have this problem, and we need to modify the files module installation to remove OpenCaptcha and replace it with recaptcha.
The OpenCaptcha no longer works, and we want to change the "getsimple_contact.php" file for the purpose of to choose reCaptcha as the default security. and delete totaly opencaptcha.
we are hosting agents, and we offer websites with Get Simple CMS autoinstalled, and by default the contact form is installed, but now we have this problem, and we need to modify the files module installation to remove OpenCaptcha and replace it with recaptcha.
Can someone help me?,
Thanks in advance!!
You're not suposed to edit php files manually. You can set recaptcha in the settings of this plugin. See documentation on post 1 of this topic.
The OpenCaptcha no longer works, and we want to change the "getsimple_contact.php" file for the purpose of to choose reCaptcha as the default security. and delete totaly opencaptcha.
we are hosting agents, and we offer websites with Get Simple CMS autoinstalled, and by default the contact form is installed, but now we have this problem, and we need to modify the files module installation to remove OpenCaptcha and replace it with recaptcha.
Can someone help me?,
Thanks in advance!!
You're not suposed to edit php files manually. You can set recaptcha in the settings of this plugin. See documentation on post 1 of this topic.
The problem here is that we cannot request each customer to make these changes, it's a bit annoying for them, then we thought that the best way is modify the php. At least try to activate the reCaptcha in instead of OpenCaptcha, any ideas for do it? Thanks!
2016-03-16, 20:25:25 (This post was last modified: 2016-03-16, 20:25:49 by SoHo22.)
Hi there,
really great plugin! Thank you!
I´m using it on a 3-language page DE/EN/RU. But in my distribution there is no de-DE-language file so the form on the DE page is in EN. Where do I get the de-DE-file?
Found it:
2016-04-01, 20:24:22 (This post was last modified: 2016-04-01, 20:30:31 by viva47.)
Плагин нравится.
Только один вопрос: не показывается картинка капчи, есть только маленькая иконка с надписью OpenCapcha, что здесь должна быть картинка.
Библиотека GD подключена.
Проверил в разных браузерах - тоже самое. В IE - вместо иконки и надписи - маленькая иконка перечеркнутый круг.
При нажатии кнопки ИЗМЕНИТЬ видно, что смена картинки производится, код картинки тоже изменяется, но сама картинка НЕ ПОКАЗЫВАЕТСЯ!!!
Прошу подсказать, в чем может быть причина!
I am want to use google's recaptcha (I'm not a robot) with GetSimple-contact and access it from the back end. Has anyone done this? is there a .tpl?
I'm no Einstein, nor do I profess to be. Just saying what I would try in the circumstances.
Thanks so much for providing this plug-in. I am using it successfully with the re-CAPTCHA status enabled. When I registered my site to obtain public and private keys, I notice there is an option to use a new CAPTCHA method whereby users just click a box that says 'I'm not a robot' instead of having to enter numbers. Is this supported by GetSimple Contact? If so, how do I enable it? Thanks!
Yesterday I tested this great plugin in Chrome for the first time with Azure theme in my localhost environment.
I faced 3 issues (screenshot attached):
1. Fields are not shown in full, in the right side of the page. How to shorten the field size?
2. OpenCaptha doesn't load any image.
3. Refresh button should be short. How to?
I tried the plugin with my new installation of GetSimple on my localhost server but OpenCaptcha does not work. No captcha will be created. Now I read that the OpenCaptcha project was closed. Is this the cause for the disfunction? If is is so why you do not cancel this option?
Привет всем. При отправке через SMTP (почта на Yandex) выскакивает "SMTP connect() failed." Host - Порты пробовал и 25, 465, 587. SMTP идентификация естественно включена. Я так подозреваю, что т.к. с 2014 года яндекс перешел на SSl , то плагину как-то нужно сказать, чтобы он использовал ssl при авторизации на Помогите, если тут еще кто-то есть)