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Basic loaded script
I've just downloaded GS tonight and have installed it, and having a quick play over a beer or two. It appeals to me as a flat file CMS with no database requirements ( which is cool, quick and easy ), but seems to lack " core features/functionality " - in my opinion of course!

I'm not having a go at anyone ( please no-one take offense, I like the look and feel of the hard work that people have put into this ) but the script is let down by not including a basic contact form with captcha and a better image management/gallery feature. I can see that these features are available by the looks of it ( will download and test in a mo ), but for any modern CMS, these should be considered core features.

I know I'm a newbie, but I think it would be worth the time and effort compiling a set of core features into the download package.

I think this software could appeal to a huge number of people who have basic computer skills and could FTP to their webspace, but it then falls down for them on the " basics ". :-(
Hi there.

Think it can depend on what one expects ? I prefer to have a simple lightweight core and to add on what I need to insure a system that is not bulky and slow. Thus with this system I can have this. If one needs a fancy version one can talk to the developers and ask if they can have 2 versions for download 1 simple and basic and other with all know stable plugins that is seen as needed. But that is for them to decide from my point of view I prefer the simple lightweight version as this gives high performance where I need it.

hope it helps
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.
Hi Johannes,
Point taken, but I am really only talking about a simple contact form and very simple image/gallery management! ( what I would consider as the basics for any CMS )
I have download them both and got them working fine now anyway :-)
I completely agree about the non-bloaty, lightweight core though.
I've tried sooooooo many CMS's over the last 3/4 years and I think I'm actually going to give this a try for one of my clients and see how it goes!!
Very pleased I found it and will get to work on a couple of templates when I get a moment.
Glad to hear you like it. You will see template conversion is easy. All my templates have basic contact form added by default just to make it easy.

Enjoy.. cheers
Stopped developing on GS Plugins. Anybody welcome to take the projects over. Thanks for all the support all.

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