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Components are easily editable containers for pieces of code or text that can be inserted into a theme template. They are very adaptable and have many uses. At their simplest, components are ideal for small strings of text that are part of a theme file that the website owner may want to edit down the road. Examples are taglines, quotes, or sidebar items. But also:

  • Components can be used to edit and insert whole blocks of formatted html content into a sidebar, a footer or a multi-column layout.
  • Components can contain code so they can be used to insert dynamic content like a gallery, a list of blog posts, an image slider or a contact form.
  • Components can be included in all pages or individual pages or only in specific pages by conditional statements in the template. See Components Depending On The Page.
  • Components can be used to alter items in the head section of a page, for example to add css or a robots.txt
  • Components can be used inside other components
  • Components can be saved empty, with no content

To create a component, log into your administrator panel and goto Theme → Edit Components. From there, it is pretty self explanatory on how to add or edit existing components.

At the top right of each component is the PHP coded needed to insert that particular component into a theme file:

<?php get_component('tagline'); ?>

Hint: To change an existing component's title, double click the title, and it will change to become editable.


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components.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/26 17:52 by poorboy2