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Full Version: [SOLVED] How do you not show parent page's slug in child page's URL?
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I need to have parent-child relationships between pages but don't want to have parent pages' slugs included in child page's URLs. For example;




I can't find it in general or page-specific settings and I don't know how mod-rewrite could solve this. To make matters worse I'm using IIS!

Does anyone know how I could achieve this?
If you want a slash at the end of the url it would be:

But... IIS with mod_rewrite?
Brilliant, thanks guys - very happy it was something built-in!

The problem is that at work I only have windows servers for hosting so, to make the best of a bad situation, I made which is basically a web.config setup so clean URLs work. The downside (which I didn't realise when making it) is that it can't (currently!) handle subdirs. I've updated the extension description to include this.

Also, in IIS it's referred to as "URL Rewrite" module, however the purpose and functionality is pretty much the same.

Thanks again!