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I'm new to GetSimple but it seems to meet my needs. In fact, first site about to be launched using this cms.

I'm about to introduce my client to the method of updating pages, and in preparation for that was having a good play around.

What I've found is that existing headers using h1, h2, h3 or h4 tags show as larger text in the WYSIWYG editor as they should - but there's no way to add new headers.

To do so you'd have to switch to source html and change the <p></p> tags to an h tag.

Am I being blind? I think I've looked carefully...

If you can't do headers using the WYSIWYG editor, how do those of you working for clients explain how to create a header in the page content?
in gsconfig.php
uncomment line 53
#define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced');
do so
define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced');
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
I thought I had answered this already 2 days before, but my post is gone

do like Oleg suggests, activate the advanced toolbar!

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
ambulance Wrote:If you can't do headers using the WYSIWYG editor, how do those of you working for clients explain how to create a header in the page content?
Apart from wysiwyg editor options I - as this is a good practice - don't allow content editors to place headers in text.
Those are being generated automatically, and shown in right places.
As an exception I sometimes allow to use h5/h6 tags, but then I disable font-size functionality.
Why ? Non technical users use headers just to bolden the text and make it bigger :\
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yojoe. this is a pedagogical aspect which will not help the web designers because you cannot teach this basics, theory is different from reality

the gap between Idea, purpose and usage ;=)

so, the answer is: if the client wants headers, give him headers
and the answer how to do that is: activate the advanced toolbar!

Cheers, Connie

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