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Client Files Plugin
(2013-10-24, 03:16:11)phpman Wrote: did anyone has idea for my last posting?

Another point is it possible to modify the script to add languages files to use on multilanguage sites too ?

I get in the login page the following:

Please log is to view client files

but i don´t know from who the plugin get this message.

That comes from the plugin itself, along with the login username/password form. See this example

To change that message would require editing the code, for now. Just search for hat phrase in the php file.

-Rob A>
Hi RobA,

first of all I really need to thank you for this plugin, that's nearly what I looked for for one of my customers.
I've added a simple function for the user to be able to upload files once he's logged in. Besides that I tried to add I18N to it, but it's not really working. So I just wanted to check if you are maybe also working on the I18N integration.

I would like to raise a little money to pay for a change of this plugin, in particular:
- Ability to create folders from the backend;
- Ability to integrate a simple viewer like encode explorer in the frontend;
The first 15 euro are my...
René has made similar changes if anyone is interested we could try to ask. A small file secure repository for GetSimple would be great...
(2014-01-15, 21:09:28)pavel9 Wrote: I would like to raise a little money to pay for a change of this plugin, in particular:
- Ability to create folders from the backend;
- Ability to integrate a simple viewer like encode explorer in the frontend;
The first 15 euro are my...
René has made similar changes if anyone is interested we could try to ask. A small file secure repository for GetSimple would be great...
Maybe you can send a private message to the plugin creator to check if this is what he wants.
(2014-01-16, 01:32:33)datiswous Wrote:
(2014-01-15, 21:09:28)pavel9 Wrote: I would like to raise a little money to pay for a change of this plugin, in particular:
- Ability to create folders from the backend;
- Ability to integrate a simple viewer like encode explorer in the frontend;
The first 15 euro are my...
René has made similar changes if anyone is interested we could try to ask. A small file secure repository for GetSimple would be great...
Maybe you can send a private message to the plugin creator to check if this is what he wants.
You're probably right, i did not want to do wrong to none ... I just wanted to help small improvements to this plugin, which is simple so fantastic
@pavel9 - I am looking to add folders, using the code Rene provided to me, but I am not sure what the advantage is of the Encode Explorer you reference? I am planning to make the front end default like my simpledir plugin:

-Rob A>
I was talking to encode explorer just to make an example of an implementation of a simple and responsive script. It would be nice to be able to easily customize the frontend plugin (without tables). This plugin with small improvements would be great, use Ajaxplorer (pydio) to more complex repository, but this in combination with GetSimple, it would be excellent for many many small Projects.
However, many compliments, the idea behind the plugin is just right ... Quick and easy
(2013-11-15, 03:16:40)b3n.ji Wrote: Hi RobA,

first of all I really need to thank you for this plugin, that's nearly what I looked for for one of my customers.
I've added a simple function for the user to be able to upload files once he's logged in. Besides that I tried to add I18N to it, but it's not really working. So I just wanted to check if you are maybe also working on the I18N integration.


Maybe you can share it?!? Tongue
Is there a way to use folders (and subfolders)?
Are there any news about adding a new level of subfolder in the client area?
I've tried to take some of the code from the simpledir plugin, but I can't make it work.
I only need to add one level more.
Thank you

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! First time poster in this form.

First of all, kudos for a nice plugin. Keep it up!

1) "Please log is to view client files" maybe there is a typo and it should read "Please log in to view client files"? (I already edited clientfiles.php to fix it in my site)

2) There is conflicting documentation about the client page. Some docs suggest the slug should be "clientpage_clientame" others suggest it should be "clientname". I've tried both without success. I made the page a child of the one invoking (% clientfiles %) and private. Is there anything else I need to do?

3) Does anyone have a pointer to best practices regarding .htaccess for GetSimple? My default installation provide directory listings when I visit /data, /plugins, etc.


(2014-11-29, 09:29:03)Topo Wrote: Hi,

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! First time poster in this form.

First of all, kudos for a nice plugin. Keep it up!

1) "Please log is to view client files" maybe there is a typo and it should read "Please log in to view client files"? (I already edited clientfiles.php to fix it in my site)

2) There is conflicting documentation about the client page. Some docs suggest the slug should be "clientpage_clientame" others suggest it should be "clientname". I've tried both without success. I made the page a child of the one invoking (% clientfiles %) and private. Is there anything else I need to do?

3) Does anyone have a pointer to best practices regarding .htaccess for GetSimple? My default installation provide directory listings when I visit /data, /plugins, etc.



Thanks for catching the typo.

Regarding (2), the latest version requires the slug to be same as the client name and a child of the page that the (% clientfiles %) is on. This will take whatever is in the body of the page and display it for that login.

You can see this at work on my testbed site

If you log in as test, you will see the contest of the test page. If you login as test2 you will see nothing but the file list.

-Rob A>
This is a very useful plugin but it feels a little outdated with October 2, 2013 as the last update date which makes me hesitant to use it for fear of not working once I upgrade PHP to the next version some time in future. How is the state of development here? Is this module still being actively maintained? Is it worth to ask for additions/enhancements?

For example, what this module needs is string translation. Of course, I could go into the files and change the strings myself but that, again, has the disadvantage that once/if the module gets an update, I have to change everything again or all my changes are overwritten. As far as I understand plugin translation it shouldn’t be too hard to add this.
Hi All ,
i just installed the clientfiles plug in , real great plugin!
but i dont understand to ad a client page ,,
perhaps i do something wrong ?

i created a client : members if i log in i see the files ,, so far so good ,,

i created a page with the name members
in page options i added at Slug/URL: clientpage_members
but if i log in i see only files not the content of the page ,,
can anyone tell me please what i do wrong ?
regards Mandy
Thank you so much for this fantastic plugin RobA!
This is exactly what I have been looking for to further extend my members area! I can't believe I overlooked it before.
I have made some slight adjustments to the files to suit my needs I hope this is ok?
I have added some simple edits to allow extra functionality if logged in as an admin using frontend-user-login-enhanced.
(Being able to create new Client Area from frontend!) aswell as adding a simple upload function (dropzone.js) for all users which uploads the files directly to the users client folder.

I am currently trying to implement a frontend function for clients to delete files they no longer need from their list.
Hi shotzapopenov - can you share your modified version please?
(2022-03-14, 07:09:28)davetest Wrote: Hi shotzapopenov - can you share your modified version please?

no problem, i'll try and get them uploaded tomorrow for you, I will probably have to tidy up some of the code first.
i'll also try to include some info on the functions i added to my themes functions.php
one of these was to show a list of current users online (works with either clientfiles or frontend-user-login-enhanced)

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