External Commenting

Downloads: 7873
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.0 - 3.1

Last Updated: August 8, 2013
Tags: comment comments disqus intensedebate facebook livefyre VK
Author: RobA
Author Website: http://www.silent9.com
Support: Support Forum

(3.1) 35 Votes

Plugin Description:

A plugin to provide external commenting support. This version supports Disqus, IntenseDebate, Livefyre, or Facebook comments.

It provides both a content tag to use on individual pages, and a php call to alternately use in the template file on all pages.

You can also allows over-riding a few parameters. This is necessary to work with plugins that won't work with the content rewrite hook. For example, in the news plugin simply use:

get_external_comments($id, $url, $title);

to use the plugin's variables rather than ones created from the URL and slug.

Now supporting i18n, with Russian, German and Spanish language files (Thanks Oleg, Connie, and Carlos!)

0.9 is a small bugfix to allow titles with quotes in them.

Install Instructions:

Unzip the file into the plugin directory.

It provides a small back end configuration page on the plugin tab to specify your the comment provider, unique identifier (disqus forum name, IntenseDebate ID, livefyre site ID, or VK apiId), and (if Disqus is selected) a flag to put the disqus script into developer mode for testing on servers that can't be reached by the disqus server.

Just create an account at disqus or Intense debate, set up a site, and paste your identifier into the backend form.

For Facebook, fill in your facebook ID to allow moderation when you are logged in.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide