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Syntax Highlighting when editing Themes and Components
Theme Highlighter performs syntax highlighting when you edit the theme or the components in the administration and simplifies editing:
  • suggests GetSimple functions, plugin functions and common PHP functions, when you press Ctrl-Space (version 0.8+)
  • shows a color preview, when moving the mouse over a CSS color (version 0.9+)
  • shows a color picker, when you press Ctrl-Space (version 0.9+)
  • suggests CSS property names, when you press Ctrl-Space elsewhere during CSS editing (version 0.8+)
  • maximizes the editor, when you press F11 (version 0.9+)


Unzip the plugin ( to your plugins directory.

If you want a dark theme, you can replace plugins/theme_highlighter/css/default.css with dark.css.


Go to Theme/Edit Theme or Theme/Edit Components in the administration. The text in the text areas should be colored.
  • Press F11 to maximize the editor
  • Press Ctrl-Space on PHP code, CSS code or CSS colors to get suggestions or the color picker.
  • Select a suggestion with Enter or close the suggestions with ESC
  • Select a color by clicking elsewhere or pressing Enter, abort with ESC
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

Messages In This Thread
Syntax Highlighting when editing Themes and Components - by mvlcek - 2011-06-22, 06:16:45

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