The standard content file for the error 404 page is created and saved in “/data/other/404.xml”.
To customize it create a new page with slug1) 404. It will override the standard version.
The code is in index.php
# define page, spit out 404 if it doesn't exist $file = GSDATAPAGESPATH . $id .'.xml'; $file_404 = GSDATAOTHERPATH . '404.xml'; $user_created_404 = GSDATAPAGESPATH . '404.xml'; if (! file_exists($file)) { if (file_exists($user_created_404)) { //user created their own 404 page, which overrides the default 404 message $file = $user_created_404; } elseif (file_exists($file_404)) { $file = $file_404; } exec_action('error-404'); }
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