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Steps to Install

  1. Unzip the contents to a new folder on your local computer.
  2. Upload that whole folder with an FTP client to your host. You can upload everything to either the root of your server, or within a subfolder or sub domain.
  3. You may also need to recursively CHMOD the folder /data/ to 755 if your host doesn't set it implicitly.
  4. From a web browser, navigate to the folder where you just uploaded GetSimple to. This will redirect you to an install screen. (e.g mydomain.tld or mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/ )
    1. NOTE: The actual path of the installation page is: mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/admin/install.php
  5. All fields are mandatory. Once complete, you will be asked to sign in with your newly generated random password. Additionally, your username and temporary password will be emailed to the email address you input on the installation screen.
  6. After completion of the setup you should be automatically forwarded into the administration panel. If you are not, please direct your browser to mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/admin to sign in.
  7. Once you sign into GetSimple for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password to something you might better remember.
  8. IMPORTANT: It is also imperative that you go to Support → Health Check to make sure that you've uploaded all necessary .htaccess files. Some folders in your installation have sensitive data and should not be accessible to outside visitors.
  9. HINT: Most of the time if you are using “Pretty URLs”, they will not work right away. I usually find that waiting about an hour after installation will give your host enough time to pickup and process the .htaccess file that is needed to do the URL re-writes.

Folder-Structure of GetSimple

As an administrator of GetSimple it is necessary to have some knowledge about the file- and directory-structure of GetSimple.

These are the most important directories:

  • mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/admin - log in here to edit content, add themes etc.
  • mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/admin/lang - upload the language files which you need here. You will find translations in the EXTEND section
  • mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/data - here the user-generated data is stored.
  • mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/data/uploads - this is where you upload files either directly using the 'files-page' or uploading files with any FTP-program
  • mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/plugins - here you upload plugins
  • mydomain.tld/path-to-get-simple/theme - here you upload themes which you want to use in GetSimple, each theme in it's own subdirectory
installation.1361925852.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/19 14:53 (external edit)