Czech language
Language Description:
Czech language for GetSimple system and CKEditor too.
?eština pro administraci GetSimple a CKEditoru.
Install Instructions:
- Put content of czech folder into root of your GetSimple folder (it's folder which contains admin folder). Admin folder must be merged and edit.php file inside must be replaced.
- In Administration set czech language.
- For czech language of WYSIWYG editor edit gsconfig.php in root of your Get simple folder and chnage #define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en'); to define('GSEDITORLANG', 'cs');
After installation this language pack must be always defined language of WYSIWYG in gsconfig.php. This is given edited file (edit.php) in which is hardly modified default langguage of CKEditor to defined langauge instead of previously used “en”.
Previous version and compatibility
- in archive can be found previous version (from Nov 8, 2015) that is compatible with GS up to version 3.3.9
- from version 3.3.10 and newer use this version
- Vložte obsah složky czech do root vašà složky s GetSimple (obsahuje složku admin). Je nutnĂ© slou?it složky admin a soubor edit.php uvnit? musĂ bĂ˝t nahrazen.
- Ve webovém prost?edà administrace GetSimple nastavte ?eský jazyk.
- Pro ?eskĂ˝ jazyk WYSIWYG CKEditoru upravte v souboru gsconfig.php (v rootu složky s GetSimple) #define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en'); na define('GSEDITORLANG', 'cs');
Po instalaci toho jazykovĂ©ho balĂ?ku musĂ bĂ˝t vždy definován jazyk WYSIWYG editoru v konfigura?nĂm souboru gsconfig.php. Toto je zp?sobeno upravenĂ˝m souborem edit.php, ve kterĂ©m je p?epsán defaultnĂ jazyk CKEditoru na použitĂ jazyku nastavenĂ©ho v gsconfig.php (p?vodn? pro CKEditor byla vždy nastavena angli?tina, ale pro ?eskou jazykovou variantu tato kombinace zp?sobovala nefunk?nost editoru)
P?edchozĂ verze a kompatibilita
- pro verze GS 3.3.9 a staršà použijte p?edchozĂ ?eštinu z archivu (z Nov 8, 2015)
- pro verze 3.3.10 a nov?jšà použijte aktuálnĂ verzi
Archived Versions:
These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide