Macedonian language for GS by Spirkoski
Language Description:
EN: Macedonian translation for GetSimple. The Translate plugin reports 65% or 230 out of 348 terms translated. Translation priority is given to the most important terms used. As long as I keep the version number under 1.0, I have not confirmed the accuracy of the translation.
??: ?????????? ?????? ?? GetSimple. Translate ??????????? ?????????? 65% ??? 230 ?? ?????? 348 ??????? ???? ?????????, ????? ? ????????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ???????. ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????????? ??? 1.0, ?? ? ????????? ???????? ?? ????????.
Install Instructions:
EN: Just unzip the file to the admin/lang folder (ex.
??: ???? ??????????? (????????????) ?? ?????????? ?? admin/lang ??????? (??.
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