Polish language (spolszczenie)
Language Description:
Polish language file for Getsimple 3.0 final.
File is adjusted to operate with transliteration plugin.
Do not use this version with GS 2.03.1, as it's not fully compatible with v1.2 translation.
Spolszczenie dla GetSimple 3.0
Wspó?dzia?a z pluginem transliteration.
Je?li potrzebujesz spolszczenia do GS 2.03.1
?ci?gnij wersj? 1.2.
Install Instructions:
Po rozpakowaniu ?ci?gni?tego archiwum przerzu? pliki
pl_PL.php do katalogu /admin/lang
404.xml do katalogu /data/other
Archived Versions:
These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide